Over the past ten years, my main research activities have focused on autonomous systems, their design and validation in two application areas: autonomous driving systems and autonomous telecommunication networks.
I consider autonomous systems to be the most difficult to build, as they are destined to replace human agents in complex organizations, as envisaged by the Industrial Internet of Things. These are real-time, distributed systems made up of agents, each pursuing its own goals, but all having to cooperate to achieve the system’s overall goals and collective intelligence.
My work includes the development of a theoretical framework for autonomous systems that provides a characterization of autonomous agents by reference architectures integrating a set of independent functions collaborating around a knowledge repository. A detailed description and justification of agent reference architectures is provided in my book : https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-19-1932-9
The rest of my work follows two complementary directions: